Directions from the Local Area Airports:
The quickest method to get to the hotel and conference center is by Taxi, Uber, or Lyft (~$50+ depending on time of day). If you wish to use public transportation, below are directions from each of the area airports:
- From Dulles (IAD): Use the Silver Line Express Bus to Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station. From the Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station take the SILVER line to the Metro Center Station and switch to the RED line. Take the RED Line to the White Flint Station. From the West exit of the White Flint Station (through the tunnel and up the escalator) it is a short walk down Marinelli Road to the hotel.
- From Baltimore/Washington (BWI): Use the BWI Express Metro bus service to the Greenbelt Metro Station. From the Greenbelt Station take the Metro GREEN Line to the Gallery Place Station and switch to the RED Line. Take the RED Line to the White Flint Station. From the West exit of the White Flint Station (through the tunnel and up the escalator) it is a short walk down Marinelli Road to the hotel.
- From Ronald Reagan (DCA): Take the Metro YELLOW line from the airport to the Gallery Place Station and switch to the RED Line. Take the RED Line to the White Flint Station. From the West exit of the White Flint Station (through the tunnel and up the escalator) it is a short walk down Marinelli Road to the hotel.
Getting Around:
The conference hotel entrance is just 500 feet away from the White Flint Metro Station which is on the Red line. The Metro can be used to travel into DC and to much of the surrounding metropolitan area. Below are maps of the Metro System and of the local area around the conference hotel. For a list of restaurants and attractions in the area, see the Where to Eat and the Things to Do pages.